Friday, May 2, 2014

Hi Friday and May!

Good morning all! It is finally Friday, this week has been a long one for me. Probably because I have three papers due Monday and they have been staring me in the face all week. Happy the semester is coming to a close, not so much with all the work involved. But it is in fact Friday and nothing is going to steal my joy! 

1)   The return of Burke on Grey's Anatomy was anyone else super stoked for this reunion? I know I sure was. Even though he broke my heart right along with Cristina's when he ditched her at the altar. Now if only McSteamy, George, and Izzy could be resurrected from the dead. This would be one happy girl. 

2) Bathing suit shopping. Can't say it's a favorite thing but one that had to be done. We'll be at my in-laws next weekend and if the weather is right I plan on soaking up some rays by the pool. So I took the plunge and ordered a couple maternity bathing suits. If I'm going to look like a beached whale this summer, might as well be a cute one? :) Both found at Old Navy of course!

3) The hubs and I are attending a Kentucky Derby party tomorrow. I'm hoping to fit into a Lilly dress but I'm not sure it's going to happen. The hubs is dusting of his seersuckers and I've got the perfect hat with a bow. We're excited to spend the day with some of our sweet friends and may even watch the race. :) 

4) Um one of my most favorite things this week was that the Lord protected us from the scary scary storms we were supposed to get. The deadly tornadoes that ripped through much of the south was at one point heading in our direction. Thank you Lord for the "cool wedge" you placed over our part of the state. It kept temps down and bad weather away. I'm not a fan of tornadoes y'all. Not a fan. My thoughts and prayers remain with those that were affected. Thankful for the blue skies forecasted for the weekend! 

5) Happy May! I love the month of May! It kicks off our wedding season this year, our anniversary is in a short 16 days and we find out what is growing in my belly two weeks from today! We've decided to share the big news with our families on our anniversary and we couldn't think of a better way to celebrate our first year of marriage! Will it be touchdowns like quarterback daddy? Or tutu's like mommy? Either way we couldn't be more excited!!! I get butterflies just thinking about our appointment. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm 30 weeks pregnant, and have had the hardest time finding a cute swimsuit. Well, there's also the fact that I don't really feel very cute these days. Lol so I think I might be skipping the pool this summer. ;)

    I found you through the link up! I hope you have a great weekend!


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