Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Caroline Vance 11 Months Old

Next month you'll be one. Mommy and daddy can't talk about it much less think about it. We cannot believe how fast this year has gone by! This month you were busy busy. You crawl so incredibly fast no one can keep up with you. We sit you down and woosh you're gone. Normally to the dog's bowls (still) the stairs, or the 1/2 bath to pull everything out of the trashcan---gross but real life---or to pull all of the toilet paper off of the roll. We call you Captain Destructo, we were at Granna and Pop Pop's for all of 30 minute the other week before you had all the books of the shelves and the DVD's off the rack. Our house looks like a tornado ran through it on a daily basis, not sure why I even bother cleaning up. Mommy doesn't mind thought my OCD is learning to take a back seat and just roll with it. You decided to stand in the seat part of the shopping cart at Target. Yeah, there's that. We will never go without your shopping cart cover again.

You're the absolute sweetest thing ever. We tell you to give love and you lay your head down on our chest/shoulder. You do it to Kendall too--she's not impressed--. We are SPOILED by you. You rarely cry, you sleep all night an off night here and there. You normally take two good naps during the day except as of late your morning nap has been being all of 15 minutes.

We spent a week at the beach with the WooBaWa's! The Woods, Auntie Bay, and Nana and Pap, Aunt MeMe, Kinley, Uncle Josh, Aunite Bina, Jack, and Sam. It was a lot of people but so very much fun. You enjoyed crawling ALL over the beach and had absolutely zero fear of the ocean. After returning home from our week at the beach we celebrate Pop Pop's 70th birthday! He was truly surprised and enjoyed showing you off to everyone.

We've been working on self feeding this month you're getting the hang of it and enjoying feeding yourself your peas, chunks of sweet potato, banana, butternut squash, green beans, mango, and the list goes on. You also enjoyed part of your first Biscuitville biscuit.


-Weight--Guessing 18-19 pounds?
-Size 3 diapers
-9-12 month clothing, some 6-9 fits especially if it's Old Navy
-Saying: Hey (all the time) Bye Bye, Thank You, Doggggg--pointing to Kendall, Saying moo when asked what does the cow say? And finally ladies and gentlemen she has MA-MA.
-Standing, cruising, and sometimes if you're real brave you'll take a half step towards the Cheerios.
-Down to about 20 oz of Earth's Best Organic Formula.
-Eating everything! You love yogurt, turkey, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, green beans. We're slowly transitioning away from the puree's!
-You've claimed a favorite toy, we don't leave the house without Minnie Mouse. You love Minnie.

We're also not talking about what happens next month. I can't even think about you being you know what.

We love you sweet girl, but Jesus loves you more!


  1. She is so adorable. I love her bright pink bow. I'm so excited to be welcoming a baby girl this month to enjoy all things pink and girlie!!!! - Annie HomeofMalones

  2. Thank you so much! I get her 4 inch bows from Julia's Bowtique! ☺️ hope you soak in this last month of pregnancy, congrats on your baby girl!! 💗🎀


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