Monday, May 5, 2014

Smart Phones. Dumb People.

Happy Monday y'all, I woke up feeling refreshed and energized on this Monday morning. I can guarantee you that is a rare rare occasion. I wanted to share with you a pet peeve of mine, one that I'm COMPLETELY and TE-TOTALLY guilty of, one that I'm ready to change!

Yeah I said it. Smart Phones. Dumb People. A video going around Facebook ( can be found HERE!) over the weekend really was an eyeopener for me. Unfortunately, I'm just as guilty as the next person. When bored or in quiet awkward situation I tend to find myself looking down at my phone on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, blogs or Pinterest, even checking the weather multiple times a day just to have my phone in my hands and occupied. It's pathetic really how much time I waste on social media. I would be so much more productive by just simply putting my phone down and walking away. In theory, it's an easy concept. Unfortunately, in reality it isn't. I also hate how I instantly want to share something on social media. I said to Derik last night "let's take a picture of our snow cones and he said so you can put it on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter." The sad part is it's so true I didn't even take a second bite before it was posted. Really Sarah, this is lame and has to stop. Our smart phones have made things so convenient and stupidly easy. I no longer have to call and order a pizza, call make a doctors appointment, drive to the bank to deposit a check I can do all of the above and more through different apps on my phone. We're losing the people-to-people contact that we need, we need socialization folks with more than just a 5inch screen. Don't get me wrong I totally use the convenience of my apps. I'm so very guilty. However, I think that's going to be changing soon, I'm going to dig out my dictionary and take the time to get it off the shelf and look up a word, drive to the bank and walk in to make a deposit, call and order a pizza and even pick it up instead of having it delivered. Who knows, I might even pull out a map once in a while.  I don't want to become a technology zombie or forget simple skills that people have used for 100's of years and replace them with an app. I don't want to be staring down at my phone all of the time. We're only here for a short time people and nobody knows for how long. I don't want to miss anymore than I have to. Here's to looking up, making contact, and being a vital part of our community and not a technology zombie.

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