Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Parker is 5 months!

5 months old sweet boy, almost a whole half of a year. This has been our most challenging month yet. Apparently you forgot what it meant to sleep at night...I spent many a night on your bedroom floor and then would eventually give in and put you in the bed beside me. You slept. I slept. We called it a win win for a few too many nights in a row. We'll get through this. This season will pass. You've also been going through some sort of a funk...teething maybe? Your sister never showed any real teething symptoms and we were grateful. But now we don't really know what to expect. So I'm just going to blame it on teeth. ;)

  • You're 13lbs 11oz at your last weight check, you're starting to gain the weight! Starting out slow like your sister but catching up!
  • Size 2 diapers. 6 months in most clothing, 3-6 months in some. You're long and skinny! 
  • Still alternating breastmilk and formula. 
  • Not nursing as often during the day, doing mostly pumped bottles. You definitely prefer bottle to breast!
  • You love your plush giraffe. 
  • Stomach sleeper
  • Rolling all around
  • :Finding your voice" and making all sorts of noises, from high pitch squeals, screams, and nosies that have startled me. 
  • If I'm in the same room as you but can't be seen, you're not happy. I don't have to be right there with you, but in your sight. 
  • Daddy still gets the biggest and best smiles

Celebrating your sisters birthday with Mickey ears. Although I do believe this picture was taken a few weeks after her birthday. 
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