Friday, June 6, 2014

Five on Friday!

It's Friday! I love Friday's. Derik always wakes up in the best mood which in turn puts me in an automatic better mood. Plus, I have this lovely Friday off so that's always a great kickstart to the weekend.

1) With warmer weather in full gear we've been grilling like it's our job. Seriously we've grilled 4 out of the past 5 nights we've been home for dinner. Grilled chicken, grilled salmon, pork chops, hamburgers, corn, veggies. You name it we've grilled it. I found this yummy recipe to give our veggies a little extra flavor. Yummy yum.

2) My maternity shorts from Old Navy finally arrived this week. Of course one pair being extremely too large. Seriously we could parachute in them. Momma to the rescue we're journeying to Greensboro this afternoon to exchange them hopefully. My jeans were getting way too hot for this momma this week. Dear Old Navy's everywhere please include a maternity section in all of your stores. It would really make life so much easier!!! :)

3) CMT music awards were this week. Y'all know this girl loves her country music. And it ended up being my girl Carrie's big night. Since we're BFF'S and all she deserved a shot out on the blog.

4) I feel like my bumpity bump has really popped out lately. Although things are getting a little uncomfortable and a little more difficult with an ever-growing belly I really love it. It's a reminder that sweet Caroline is growing and developing!

5) I'm starting my Proverbs 31 woman challenge on Monday and I couldn't be more excited to dig deeper into the word and discover the wife and mother the Lord wants me to be! 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. i had some mat shorts from target that I was impressed with! But I lived in my mat jeans from motherhood maternity...I was bummed when I couldn't justify wearing them postpartum anymore, ha.

    1. I've got a pair of jean shorts and black shorts from target! I do love them Old Navy just has more colors. :) I'm really going to miss the panel in all my clothes post-partum haha :) Babe will get here early October so maybe I can justify wearing them through Thanksgiving? ;)

  2. Grilling is the way to go in the summer!! I swear, it makes everything taste better :) :)

    1. It really does! We grilled pineapple rings last night and had a scoop of ice cream on yummy. :)


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