Tuesday, June 3, 2014

22 weeks!

Baby Size.....Spaghetti Squash around 11 inches long and about 1lb in weight.

Weight Gain: Gained another two pounds this week so up a total of 9 from my 12 week appointment. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes. Yes. Yes. I can no longer get away with hair ties, just ain't happening. 

Stretch Marks: None from pregnancy! 

Gender: A sweet baby GIRL Caroline Vance Walters. 

Movement: Oh yes especially in the last 48 hours. She kicked and moved my arm yesterday.  

Best Moment this Week: We had a wonderful weekend not too terribly busy! We celebrated my sweet cousin graduating from high school!

Looking Forward To: A fun bridal shower for my sweet friend, Kenzie, and being reunited with a lot of my high school gal pals. :)

Food Cravings: Fruit and Ice Cream. 

Anything making you queasy/sick?: Nothing really, but Derik suggested salmon for dinner last night and it made my stomach churn. Pre-pregnancy I loved salmon and the past couple times we've had it I can't seem to make through a few bites. So sad. 

Labor Signs: None, thankfully. I've read too much on my baby board on Baby Center here lately where women are experiencing pre-term labor symptoms.

What I miss: Eating without immediately regretting that decision because I know heartburn is in my near near future. Although, it's definitely not as bad as it could be and for that I'm thankful. 

Symptoms: Heart burn, round ligament pain, a noticeable, growing, and stretchinggggg belly

Nursery: We've taped it off and ready for daddy to paint. :) 

Belly Button in or Out? In!

Mood: Happy, excited, overjoyed! 

Prayers for Caroline this week:

I know your hand has been in this pregnancy since the very beginning. You knew Caroline before we could even dream of her. You knew us before our parents even could dream of us. We know you're in control. Lord I pray that Caroline continues to grow healthy and strong. We praise you for a healthy pregnancy this far. Thank you for being by our sides every step of the way. You are amazing Lord and we praise you for your goodness and mercy! 



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