Wednesday, March 25, 2015


You our dear sweet girl are 6 months old, half a year has gone by since you joined us and made our lives whole. You are beyond precious and each day gets more and more fun. I'm not sure where the past 6 months have gone. I'm watching you take a nap right now and I still can't believe the good Lord entrusted us to your care. We fall in love with you more and more each day! You make life so much fun baby girl. Your smile remains a constant and brings joy to everyone you meet. You're still pretty selfish with your giggles, you get the biggest grin and I know a belly laugh is on the tip of your tongue. You're so curious these days, constantly breaking your neck at any new noise. You also love touching things you love different textures. You're also grabbing our faces and that's probably my most favorite new trick of yours. It's so so sweet.

This Month's Highlights:

-Using up the last of our size one diapers. I'll have to say this is bittersweet.

-In 3-6 months clothes and some 6 months clothing. You are our teeny tiny child.

-I'm assuming you're a little over 13lbs. We go Friday to your 6 month check up so I'll put in your stats then.

-You're working on sitting up! You're almost there baby girl.

-DaDaDaDa is what you babble all day long.

-You're loving oatmeal and sweet potatoes! We're working on peas now!

-You take 5 7oz bottles each day alternating between formula and momma's milk. We nurse still in the mornings and at night. It's still my favorite time of the day. I hate that my milk doesn't provide enough calories because I do enjoy nursing you, something I'm struggling with but I'll get past it.

This month we celebrated Auntie Bina's birthday, Sam's 2nd birthday, spent the weekend with Nana and Pap, you also had your very first sleepover away from mommy and daddy. Mommy cried but 10 hours of sleep was wonderful, thank you Nana and Pap for taking good care of our girl. You also survived your first snopocolypse and got to wear your first spring dress all within a couple of weeks. Welcome to North Carolina baby girl.

Those rolls. I can't get enough of them! 

The Lord is really teaching me how to trust Him. You love sleeping on your belly now and of course that makes momma a nervous wreck. But as someone reminded me, He loves you much more than I do and He's going to take great care of you.

Our photo shoots are getting a little more difficult. The sticker goes straight to your mouth. And we usually end up with drool and spit up all down the front of your white onesie. Your sister always hones in too and makes sure her presence is  known. Your facial expressions are hilarious. I say it all the time you may look just like your daddy but your facial expressions are all me. It's hilarious. Your personality is really starting to shine through and we are loving every moment. People keep telling me the days are long but the years are short. That couldn't be more true. Even though we're still just in months they are flying. Seriously. 6 months ago feels like a blink of an eye. A year ago to the day we shared with the world our joy. It's truly amazing how time is just flying. 

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