Friday, January 16, 2015

Five on Friday!

Hi friends! It's Friday and y'all know what that means! :) Time for a link up with some awesome ladies!

1) Vanilla yogurt and peanut butter. My addiction to this tasty snack is at it's all time high. Yesterday was the first day I haven't had a bowl all week. I'm not a ashamed to admit that. It's delicious. 

2) GAS PRICES y'all. It's amazing. I filled up my 4runner for $40 on Monday
I've never done that. I remember a few summers ago it costing $75 to fill up my explorer. I'm LOVING it. I saw this floating around Facebook and couldn't help but laugh. Excuse the language.

3) This little girl's personality is starting to shine through and it is the absolute cutest. She's so happy and I love it! I don't do selfies but my goodness this girl. 

You may look like your daddy, but your facial expressions are 100% me. 

4) So we're finally getting around to doing some updating in our new home. We're putting hardwoods downstairs and new carpet upstairs (bedrooms and bonus room). Which color? We're having the hardest time choosing. We love the light because it's different but the dark is pretty generic and will appeal to everyone. We have white cabinets in the kitchen if that helps.  HELP! 


Friends on Netflix, this SAHM's dream come true. Caroline's favorite song will be Smelly Cat. 

Leaving you with my new favorite song. I sing it multiple times a day. Caroline loves it too.

Happy Friday friends! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm partial to the darker floors, but the lighter color with white cabinets would make the room feel so bright! Also, cute kid! -Dorrie @ Bear Den Plantation


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