Friday, May 29, 2015

The baby bunny is 8 months old!


You are eight months old. I can't believe we are slowly creeping towards that one year mark. Mommy and daddy both aren't ready to have you as a toddler. Stay our sweet precious baby love forever, please! You are truly our greatest joy and biggest blessing! Each night after I finish nursing you I pray over you and praise the Lord for giving us you! Your personality is really starting to shine through and you are so funny. Everyday is different and we never know what to expect next!

Eight Month Highlights

Estimating you're a little over 15lbs. Still our teeniest girl. But you're growing and thriving so the doctors aren't concerned!

Scooting almost crawling. You haven't quite grasped the crawling part yet. You don't have any problem getting where you need to go. You're so fast. I left you in the middle of the room the other morning to brush my teeth and you met me in the bathroom before I could finish. Stinker.

Still no teeth but after last night I think they are coming soon. You're a little cranky pants but we still love you. I'm sure it doesn't feel good. We're sorry pumpkin. :(

Pulling up on EVERYTHING furniture, my legs, the dog--if she doesn't scamper away quick enough--basically if its not moving you try to pull up on it.

You love pears, bananas, squash, peas, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and are getting 4 5-6oz bottles of formula and still some breast milk.

You take after your momma and are affectionately called the spit up queen. Seriously we never take a bib off of you unless it's for a quick picture. I do so. much. laundry. Luckily, it's a chore I don't mind.

This month we got to see your Nana and Pap a lot and you finally enjoyed playing in their pool. You love watching your cousin Kinley play and we talk often about how much trouble you two are going to cause in the years to come. We celebrated my first Mommy's day and our home was dedicated to raising you in a Christ-centered home. We also chose your life verse which is 1 Peter 3:4. In a society that focuses so much on outward appearance we want you to be reminded that it's not about outward beauty, but it's about the beauty that is within you. It's so precious to us and to the Lord. You also had your first Memorial Day weekend and laid a flag at your mommy's dear friend's grave who was killed in Afghanistan in 2008. He's our hero! You are growing faster and faster everyday and we love watching it all. You're so much fun baby girl and we love you more than you can possibly even begin to imagine. But as much as we love you, Jesus loves you more! Mommy and Daddy.

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