Saturday, October 25, 2014

Five on Friday!

I'm so excited to be linking up again for Five on Fridays! I missed them over the summer and during my blog hiatus. 

1) We got Caroline's newborn gallery in the mail Thursday. I was so excited I squealed in the middle of the driveway. I'm sure our neighbors think their new neighbor is batty. Oh well! Here is just a few I will share more later. 

2) Call me lame but I've actually been intently watching Dancing With The Stars this season. I get excited for Monday night's because of this show. It's official I'm turning into my mother. Slowly but surely. I love Janel, Alfonson (Carlton), and Lea from Back to The Future, and Sadie Robertson. I just can't get enough, someone please tell me I'm not alone and a major geek. 

3) We went to the pumpkin patch with my in-laws on Sunday. Caroline slept thru her first pumpkin patch experience but it was sure nice to be outside all afternoon and not to mention the beyond perfect weather!

4) Derik's new job allows him to work 4 10 hour days during the week and therefore has Friday's off. So we're taking a trip to the Tanger Outlets and do a little shopping. Loft, JCrew, and Banana Republic look out I'm coming for ya. Bye Bye elastic bands hello buttons and zippers. Huge bonus, I didn't get a chance to spend Christmas gift cards because a few short weeks later we found out we were expecting. Score!!!

5) So since I'm now a SAHM we've been thinking a whole heck of a lot more cost consciously. We actually started Financial Peace University Online. We've done a few lessons from Dave Ramsey before but haven't really followed thru as well as we should have been. However, this time we are! Here's to getting out of debt, saving money, and wealth building. It's going to take a heck of a lot of discipline, being intentional with every cent spent, and a lot less Target trips but I know in the end it will be so very beneficial. 

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