Monday, February 6, 2017

9 Months Old--Parker Michael

Another fun month with our brother bear! You're crawling at the speed of light. All to keep up with your sister. You two do constant laps around the kitchen/dining room and it is funny to watch. Your sister comes crawling through the kitchen followed by you a short 10 seconds later. You're pulling up on every.single.thing. The shower door, the cabinet doors, the ottoman, our legs. This often leads to you face planting into that which you are trying so desperately to pull up on. Sweet boy. YOU ARE FINALLY GIVING MOMMA FULL NIGHT SLEEPS. Yes, this is all caps worthy. We still have a rough night every here and there but it is no longer every single night. Those few months were full of tears, guilt, and giving in for sanity reasons but you are 100000000% worth it all. We had a consultation this month about the possibility of a helmet. You have a semi flat spot on your head but are right on the border of "normal". We've pretty much decided against it as long as your head shape hasn't drastically changed by the time we go back in a few weeks. It will not hinder your brain development and would be 100% cosmetic. We honestly don't hardly notice it! Fourth ear infection this month. We live at the pediatrician's office. Precious boy you are loved by everyone you meet and have stolen our hearts with your baby blues and sweet smile. You nuzzle your head into my shoulder/neck and make me melt into a puddle. We love you! Can't believe you'll be one in just a few short months.

Weight: 16lbs 14oz
Height: 28.5 inches long

2 bottom teeth about to pop through. Drool monster right now! Crawling, pulling up, dying to run and chase your sister. For now you just scurry behind her, sometimes she will let you catch up. #cantstop #wontstop. 
Still doing a combination of breastmilk and formula. Nursing you is becoming quite the olympic event. You. Get. So. Distracted. 

Fun had this month: Great Wolf Lodge with the Walters crew! You weren't the water's biggest fan but slowly warmed up to it by the end of our stay. Great Wolf was so much fun, thanks for the Christmas gift Nana and Pap! 

 Visits from Nana and Pap and Granna and Pop! 

You are one sweet sweet snuggler. 

FaceTime dates with Aubbie! <3

First snow, January 8th, 2017. 

Helmet scan January 2017.

Parker Michael you complete our family in so many ways! You fill our days with joy and lots of snuggles! We love you!

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