Wednesday, July 23, 2014

29 weeks!

How Far Along 29 Weeks! 

Baby Size......A little over 2lbs and 1/2 pounds about the size of a butternut squash little over 15 inches long! 

Weight Gain: 15 pounds. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes in the bottoms and wearing lots of dresses lately. These humid summer days are too hot for much more! :)

Stretch Marks: None from pregnancy!

Sleep: Whats that?

Gender: A sweet baby GIRL Caroline Vance Walters. 

Movement: Oh yes all the time!

Best Moment this Week: Going under contract for our new house!!! Hopefully if all goes well this time next month we'll be spending our last few nights in our first home and preparing to move to our new home where we'll begin life as a family of 3 well 4 including the pup girl! :)

Looking Forward To: Heading to Ikea Friday! CAN. NOT. WAIT. We have a new house with a lot more space. Also hoping to check out some consignment stores while in Charlotte. 

Food Cravings:  Still on my cereal kick. Could be worse things right? Oh and Coldstone's birthday cake remix. Since passing my glucose test with flying colors the doctor said I could have ice cream. Doctor's orders right?

Anything making you queasy/sick?: Nope!

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks every now and then. No thanks. 

What I miss: Getting comfortable easily at night and a full night's sleep.

Symptoms: Growing belly!!! Heartburn, braxton hicks, round ligament pain. 

Nursery:  WE HAVE A HOME WE HAVE A HOME! We're under contract for a house and will hopefully be moving Labor day weekend. Gives me about a month to get everything ready for Miss C's arrival!
This is my favorite pinspiration! 

Belly Button in or Out? In but getting mighty shallow the top pops out after I eat. 

Mood: Happy happy happy! 

Wedding Rings on or Off?: On! :)

Workouts: Walks after dinner with the hubs and pup girl killer back pain has limited any further work outs. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found your blog through the Five on Friday link up and have been following along with your pregnancy updates!

    Check out my blog post today - I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! :)



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