Monday, April 4, 2016

18 Months Old!

Caroline Vance,

You are so much fun right now. You've always been fun but this age has been my favorite so far. Generally, you're a happy toddler. The only time you're not happy is if you're hangry which is totally a thing because if we miss a meal time by 10 minutes full blown meltdown ensues. Everyone loves you and it's an all out brawl when we're around any family as to who gets to play with you. You're not much of a snuggler which breaks momma's heart but I love watching your independence. You're the most curious little booger and ask "what's that" all. the. time. I overheard you and daddy talking one afternoon and you asked him what the air compressor was. He almost went into a lengthy detailed explanation before he realized you were more interested in the buttons. Mommy got a good laugh out of that one. We love you so much precious girl and love watching you grow grow grow!

Caroline's Food Favorites:
-Mac and Cheese
-Veggie burgers
-Hot Dogs
-Lima beans
-BREAD---you little carb-o-holic. 

-OUTSIDE also known as side side side. You look out the backdoor and beg to go side even if it's pouring down rain
-Swing--wing wing--we have learned to spell this word because if we don't go immediately to do so, you guessed it meltdown. 
-Sofia the First. You are obsessed. I know no screen time until 2 but when momma's real pregnant sometimes it's sanity people and sanity is important. 
-LET GO LET GO---Frozen. We watched this on a snow day a couple of months ago and you are constantly asking for let go, luckily we can occasionally get away with just playing the song instead of watching the same scene on repeat. You spin and twirl with your arms out wide. It's pretty dern cute. 

Weight-24lbs 68%
Height-31 inches 40%

Never in a million years did we ever think to see the day you were in the 68th percentile for weight. Those first few months we were lucky to get above the 5th percentile. You are growing so fast big girl! 

Mommy sucked at using her big girl camera the past few months aka it sat in the drawer collecting dust. I vow to do better during spring and summer. 

The next few weeks are going to be interesting baby girl. You're about to be a big sister. We can't wait to add your baby brother to the mix, but mommy is feeling a little bittersweet about you no longer our only baby. But more thoughts on that later. We love you sweet girl and can't believe your getting closer and closer to TWO!

Mommy and Daddy

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