Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Three Years Old.

I'm not sure quite how it happened. But I must have blinked. I vowed to myself not to the day you were born but I guess blinking is inevitable. My beautiful olive skin, dark hair, dark eyed baby girl is now a bubbly brown eyed blonde who tans better than her momma.

I've come to realize that time contradicts itself. Time has become a thief, yet it is also a sweet sweet gift. I'm incredibly grateful for the gift of time but some days I just want it to come to a screeching halt. We were warned. However, I don't think we took those warnings seriously during the season of cluster feeds, late nights, and bewitching hours. We were so caught up in looking forward to her next stage or milestone, we forgot to slow down and enjoy it. I wished for more sleep for myself, now I find myself creeping in her room just to hold her while she sleeps. It is amazing how fast the past three years have flown by.

You are as sassy as you are sweet. Still tender hearted and caring. Forget to leave your listening ears turned on sometimes but overall you're a pretty ok threenager. You love all things Disney princess, Paw Patrol, and Daniel Tiger. You're also obsessed with the Wee Sing DVD's Aunt Goose got you your first Christmas. Daddy thinks they are strange but Mommy loves them, it's what she grew up watching. I want to forever ingrain in my mind the way you say "glass slippers" the way F's are B's (bire truck, beeding me). You're really into imaginative play these days and I love hearing your little conversations with your "girls" aka princess dolls. You love your brother something fierce and lovingly refer to him as "bud, Parks, brudder, buddy". Holding his hand is your favorite though he'll have no part of it. School is by far the best part of your week you're going three days a week from 9-12. You have quite a few buddies at school, I love watching your little relationships grow. You're also in a tap/ballet combo which makes this momma's heart so happy. You love to dance and make everything your stage. The storage ottoman has seen quite a few performances which I don't see coming to an end anytime soon.




Your actual birthday was a fun one. A party at school, one of your bestest girls coming to play, dance, and dinner + ice cream at the Dairi-O. You were a very very happy girl! 

Birthday party--princess party! Each Disney princess was represented in their own special way.

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