Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Our One Year Old..

From the moment they laid you on my chest it was the purest love. Our year has been filled with ups and downs. You definitely haven't been the sleeper your sister is. Even though the bags under my eyes are much more noticeable, I wouldn't trade our middle of the night play dates for the world. 3am snuggles are exhausting but some of my favorite. It would be just me and you bud. I know I'm crazy when I say I miss it but sometimes I do. In the quiet I learned your breathing patterns, studied your sweet face, trying to etch in my memory because time is fleeting. I've been saying time contradicts itself. It's a gift but it is also a thief. Being you and your sister's momma is truly the greatest gift I have ever been given. I know I'm going to blink and you'll both be grown and on your way. 

May your roots be firm in Christ's love. May you know the gift of salvation, grace, and His mercy. May you try your hardest at every task that comes your way. That you'll never be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. You find friends worth having that will build you up and not tear you down. You won't be afraid to take chances, chase your dreams, and discover who you are. May you come home with grass stains, scars, red cheeks, and bruises because you're experiencing childhood. May you get back up when you fall, because that can be the hardest part after all. May you know our Savior in a real way and learn to always put your trust in Him. May you stay humble and kind. May you respect those around you. May you understand that mistakes don't define you, that you'll always find forgiveness when you need it the most. May you grow to be a good person, love your momma the most, let your dad beat you at basketball, and remember your sister has been your biggest fan from day 1. All these things I pray for you sweet boy on the eve of your first birthday and most of these every.single.day. 

Parker Michael Walters 

12 Months

We made it sweet boy I questioned my sanity a whole lot and any kind of parenting skills I had a lot of days BUT we MADE IT! Unfortunately, this week has been on of your worst. 2 teeth, pneumonia, super high fevers--105--3 rounds of rocephin you've had such a tough week buddy but you've been such a trooper.

Sure fire way to break this momma's heart is to see her babes sick. Gets me every single time. Cried in the doctor's office twice in one day. 

The happier note was the rest of your month! 

These people will be your very best friends. I promise. 

First Easter! Hanging with Auntie Bina while the crazies hunted for their eggs. 

Your first Forrester-Easter-Beach-Trip. The first half of the week was great you had so much fun! Second half was a tad bit overwhelming and to be completely honest, momma and daddy were ready to leave the beach.--A first--You just weren't happy, weren't yourself, and we all needed our own beds. 

18lbs 14oz 12%
Height-32 inches long 82%--Doctor predicts you'll be over 6ft. 
Still long and skinny!
Eating: graham crackers, cheerios, still all things baby food, yogurt, applesauce, and puffs. No textures for you bud. No textures for you. Not yet at least, we'll get there. 
We switched your allergy medicine and glory be, it's helping! You're finally sleeping not having to get up multiple times during the night because of snot and cough! It's been such a change and such a blessing. Sleep is good sweet boy and I think you can tell the difference too. You're consistently happier, which we love so very much. 

11 Months

Yeessh. You're going to be 1 next month. Someone please make it stop. Make time slow down. You are eating cheerios, puffs, and still on baby food. You are not about textures which is so odd to me. I've tried eggs, pancakes, mac and cheese, plain pasta, cereal bars, avocado, boiled soft carrots, peas, blueberries, strawberries you name it we've tried it. Puree' any of the listed above food and you'll eat it no problem. Should make for an interesting birthday cake smash.....

You'll eat a purple crayon but not mac and cheese what gives?  

You sleep regressed earlier this month. Holy moly it was a rough week. Sleep regression, two teeth...tired tired momma. 

You say Kendall Kendall Kendall nonstop these days. Safe to say your her favorite--for now at least-- Probably because you don't jump on her, pull her ears or annoy the mess out of her. Yet at least. ;) You love laying your head on her belly. 

We love you so much sweet boy!

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