Why do I keep getting the reminder that you'll be one at the end of next month. Wasn't I just huge and pregnant with you, yesterday? Thank you sweet Lord for sleep. It's getting better. You had your first sleepover away from momma at Nana and Pap's. Much needed weekend of rest and recovery we were going on two weeks of little to no sleep and momma was going a tad bit crazy. You're clapping, waving, doing praying hands whenever we say the blessing. You're still not big on texture foods. We've tried Cheerios, puffs, teething crackers but you will devour greek yogurt and whatever blended food combination I make you comes your way! Our breastfeeding journey came to and end this month as you just get way to distracted and given momma some serious nip-lash. Mhmm it's a thing. I definitely miss our special time together but I think it was time for the chapter to close. We've got plenty of frozen milk to last us until your first birthday which was my original goal, I'm just grateful we made it that long. Breastfeeding is such a special bond and I truly enjoyed being able to breastfeed both you and your sister!
I love this picture. No one loves when daddy has to leave in the mornings. Thankfully a bottle and Sofia the First are there for comfort afterwards. |
First Vaentine's Day. Momma will always be your Valentine sweet boy! |
Your first Duke Carolina game. Which you stayed awake for, stinker! |
Oh those many nights I had you snuggled beside me. Something magical about watch and listening to you sleep. Or creepy? Is that creepy? |
You.Worship.Your.Sister. And it's adorable. |
Sink bathing is the safest option for you. Your sister likes to help...or dump the entire cup of water on your head. She can't reach you here buddy. Also your sister forces you to play dress up. I'm sorry. We'll pay for therapy. |
Precious boy, you are such a joy. We love you so much. You're a momma's boy for sure and are quick to nuzzle your head close to mine and snuggle up to me. Those are the absolute sweetest moments and I love every second!
We love you!
Mommy and Daddy