8 months old. 8 MONTHS OLD. How is this possible Parker Michael? You've grown so much this month. You're pulling to stand, we've moved your mattress down now, you're crawling and trying to follow your sister wherever she goes. You celebrated your first Christmas this month, really enjoyed all the lights (like your momma does) and got a little more rotten. You're finally growing out of your cranky phase. Woo sweet boy those were a rough couple of months. I think it was a combination of three back to back ear infections, antibiotics, and being out of our routine. Even on the bad days your still brought us PLENTY of joy. You're belly laughing and daddy seems to get the very best laughs. We are so grateful you are ours and we love you so very much!
You met your cousin Jesse for the first time! He's playing football for the Vols so we've spent many a Saturday cheering them on!
8 Month Stats:
--2 ear infections this month.
--On our last box of size 2 diapers.
--9 months 9-12 months clothes.
--Crawling. Everywhere. I've caught you mid crawl off your changing pad.
--No teefies yet, not surprising your sister didn't get any until she was 13 months.
--Still doing purree baby foods. We should probably step our game up. Momma may be in denial.
Her mommy babysat your mommy, your mommy babysat her, and now she's babysitting you and your sister. You'll learn early what a great support system you two have. Leena is so special to us!
Bless you sweet child. Your sister thinks you're her personal dress up doll.