Monday, September 26, 2016

Caroline Vance 2 years old.

2 years old. I don't think anyone can prepare me for your birthday. Signifying that you're yet another year older, I think each year when September 25th rolls around, a little part of me will cringe inside because you're slowly moving away from my dark haired dark eyed baby girl and growing up right in front of us. I know this year you'll grow a lot, you'll lose your baby face, your vocabulary will expand tremendously, you'll make new friends, and become more independent. Don't get us wrong baby girl, we LOVE watching you grow. You're smart, too smart for your own good, curious, always in to something, constantly asking "what's that?"

Things We Want to Remember:
  • The conversations you have with yourself. It's HILARIOUS. You'll grab your shoes, say Caroline shoes, outside--look at me--and then you'll say ok outside. Before I can even have a chance to respond. 
  • You're pretty obsessed with DaDa these days and have a meltdown each morning he leaves as the garage door is going down. I quickly divert your attention by getting your help with brother's diaper change. 
  • You insist on reading minimum 3 stories each night. And remind us if we do any less. 
  • We sing Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Loves Me, and Que Sera Sera each night at bedtime and you're really dramatic during Twinkle Twinkle and Jesus Loves Me.--especially during the STRONG part. 
  • You enjoy throwing your cups and forks at dinner oh and also screaming (like shouting), which then results in a 1 minute time out in the corner. 
  • You love Sofia the First, Chuggington, Thomas the Train, Little Mermaid, Frozen, and Beauty and the Beast. 
  • You pretend to eat the cookies in every book. It cracks us up every. single. time. You take a big bite. 
  • You love playing "night nights, good morning" game. 
  • You're starting to love Play-School. On the way home you say momma I like school. 
  • You like saying "_____ watch this" and proceed to make an animal noise
  • You love "peek-a-boo" and love being scared. Popping up behind you and saying "BOO" never gets old.
  • You were scared of shadows for a couple of weeks and would refuse to cross the threshold of the baby gate and stairs and had to be carried upstairs. 
  • Pancakes. Hands down most very favorite food. You request them every. single. morning. One morning you scaled the oven while I was breaking them up. 
You're truly such a blessing, Caroline. You bring joy to everyone you meet. You're a ball of energy and full of sass. You're tender hearted like your momma (we have video to prove it). Thank you for making our dreams come true and making us parents! We love you and your brother so very much!

Saturday, September 10, 2016



A lot of people have asked how are we doing? How are you surviving? How's two under two going? Have you lost it completely yet? How's Caroline doing with Parker?

In short:
  • Good.
  • JESUS. Grace. Mercy. 
  • Good.
  • Somedays.
  • Hasn't killed him yet.
All in all, we are doing really well. We've gotten into a groove so to speak and are learning how to keep the chaos to a minimal. Caroline is slowly warming up to Parker, he's recognizing her and his face instantly lights up. He adores her and I keep praying that she will adore him too instead of throwing things at him, diving across my lap while I'm nursing him, and giving him "BUMPS" aka fist bumps to the head. She does love seeing him each morning and says, "awww heyyy Park's, hey brubba" and she's quick to alert me when he starts screaming. Yes, Caroline I can hear your brother screaming momma is just trying to pee. 

#twoundertwo Isn't as crazy as I thought it was going to be. Don't get me wrong I find myself running out of arms and hands often (seriously why don't moms have multiple extremities?) However, we're getting out by ourselves just the 3 of us -of course it's much easier when Daddy is around- one of my biggest fears was the capability of making a Target run with just me and the minis. I'm happy to report we've made several successful trips to the motherland and even no man's land (Wal-Mart). We've been able to have lunch dates in Winston with daddy and have made it to play dates, story time, and music time. Mixed in though are the many days of entirely TOO much screen time for C, pajamas until after lunch, moments of me wondering if I did indeed brush my teeth that morning, realizing that yes, yes I did, and heavily debating a nap while the minis are asleep or squeezing a pump/workout session in. Let's be serious, a quick power nap wins more days than not. But I will say I'm pretty proud of myself for getting a work out almost every day even if it's just busting the bus (double stroller) out for a walk. Sanity people. Sanity.Exercise=endorphins=less stressed momma. It's a win win for all--just ask Derik. 

I can almost guarantee that chaos ensued immediately after this. Yes we read Llama Llama Holiday drama in September. 

We have friends on our walks!

We by no means have it altogether and I will not dare say it is all perfectly balanced. My dream BFF Jen Hatmaker says it best, "Balance is like a unicorn; we've heard about it, everyone talks about it, and makes airbrushed t-shirts celebrating it, it seems super rad but we haven't actually seen one". So by no means are we balancing it all out perfectly, but we're making it work. It's definitely not what I expected. I never expected peeling my toddler off her brother while he's in the swing. Yes, this would mean she crawls in the swing with him with a valiant attempt to steal his paci. But I also didn't imagine the times where she holds his hand while he's crying, rubs his face and says "aw Parks is so sweet" "I lub him". These moments my heart could explode until a tiny million pieces.

This has been one of the most challenging, exhausting seasons of our lives. I want to remember the chaos. Especially, the day a few weeks ago I was pumping only to find a toddler had gone awfully quiet. I quickly unattached myself from the milking machine and found said quiet toddler chilling on the DINING ROOM TABLE. Seriously Caroline? What the heck? For the love of
"Pete! I would love to know a toddler's thought process. Like, what makes you think it's a good idea to pull a drawer out and stand it, or scale the oven while I break up your pancakes. OR the day I ended up with 3 different bodily fluids that were not my own on my hands all during ONE diaper change.
Thanks, Parker, thanks a lot. 

Before P was born I really focused in on the saying "the days are long, but the years are short". I don't think I've heard anything more true during this particular season of life. I try to remember that each time I get frustrated with C for doing toddler things, or each time Parker wakes me up at night. I try to remember to not take this time for granted because I know how all to fleeting it really is. HOWEVER comma--I say this out loud often thanks to my wonderful HS english teacher--I do find myself feeling frustrated, exhausted, the world's worst mother/wife often. But then I remember the beauty of grace. It's amazing how my tiny children show my grace daily. In the form of hugs, kisses, pats on the back--all from the toddler--after I've had to sit her in a one minute time out for the millionth time that day. Grace from my husband when he thanks for all I do for our family, when really I have a hard time seeing it. Grace from our heavenly Father when I come to Him for quiet time with a distracted mind and heart that should be fully focusing on Him.

Long story short this season is beautiful, it's sweet, it's incredibly difficult, exhausting, emotional, wonderful...I could go on and on.

We are beyond grateful to be doing this thing called life with our people. Our VILLAGE. We truly have such an amazing village of people alongside of us helping to raise our children, we don't think we can ever express the immense amount of gratitude we have to our village. So here's to you, the ones that have listened to our crazy, dropped everything to bring us a meal, came to just sit with me for my own sweet sanity, held our newborn and entertained our toddler while I napped or showered. Those who have sent texts at 3 in the morning knowing that chances are I'd more than likely be awake and needed an encouraging word or three. My sweet momma friends who are in the trenches with me, lifting me up on a daily basis even with their own heavy load. We thank you, I thank you! We don't say it enough how much we appreciate YOU!

#twoundertwochronicles will be coming to an end September 25th, then we'll have a crazy 2 year old and sweet baby boy. I guess I'll then have to come up with a new hashtag?



A lot of people have asked how are we doing? How are you surviving? How's two under two going? Have you lost it completely yet? How's Caroline doing with Parker?

In short:
  • Good.
  • JESUS. Grace. Mercy. 
  • Good.
  • Somedays.
  • Hasn't killed him yet.
All in all, we are doing really well. We've gotten into a groove so to speak and are learning how to keep the chaos to a minimal. Caroline is slowly warming up to Parker, he's recognizing her and his face instantly lights up. He adores her and I keep praying that she will adore him too instead of throwing things at him, diving across my lap while I'm nursing him, and giving him "BUMPS" aka fist bumps to the head. She does love seeing him each morning and says, "awww heyyy Park's, hey brubba" and she's quick to alert me when he starts screaming. Yes, Caroline I can hear your brother screaming momma is just trying to pee. 

#twoundertwo Isn't as crazy as I thought it was going to be. Don't get me wrong I find myself running out of arms and hands often (seriously why don't moms have multiple extremities?) However, we're getting out by ourselves just the 3 of us -of course it's much easier when Daddy is around- one of my biggest fears was the capability of making a Target run with just me and the minis. I'm happy to report we've made several successful trips to the motherland and even no man's land (Wal-Mart). We've been able to have lunch dates in Winston with daddy and have made it to play dates, story time, and music time. Mixed in though are the many days of entirely TOO much screen time for C, pajamas until after lunch, moments of me wondering if I did indeed brush my teeth that morning, realizing that yes, yes I did, and heavily debating a nap while the minis are asleep or squeezing a pump/workout session in. Let's be serious, a quick power nap wins more days than not. But I will say I'm pretty proud of myself for getting a work out almost every day even if it's just busting the bus (double stroller) out for a walk. Sanity people. Sanity.Exercise=endorphins=less stressed momma. It's a win win for all--just ask Derik. 

I can almost guarantee that chaos ensued immediately after this. Yes we ready Llama Llama Holiday dram in September. 

We have friends on our walks!

We by no means have it altogether and I will not dare say it is all perfectly balanced. My dream BFF Jen Hatmaker says it best, "Balance is like a unicorn; we've heard about it, everyone talks about it, and makes airbrushed t-shirts celebrating it, it seems super rad but we haven't actually seen one". So by no means are we balancing it all out perfectly, but we're making it work. It's definitely not what I expected. I never expected peeling my toddler off her brother while he's in the swing. Yes, this would mean she crawls in the swing with him. Didn't quite imagine having to hide toys from Caroline because she is taking an intentional swing at him with it. But I also didn't imagine the times where she holds his hand while he's crying, rubs his face and says "aw Parks is so sweet" "I lub him". These moments my heart could explode until a tiny million pieces.

This has been one of the most challenging, exhausting seasons of our lives. I want to remember the chaos. Especially, the day a few weeks ago I was pumping only to find a toddler had gone awfully quiet. I quickly unattached myself from the milking machine and found said quiet toddler chilling on the DINING ROOM TABLE. Seriously Caroline? What the heck? For the love of
"Pete! I would love to know a toddler's thought process. Like, what makes you think it's a good idea to pull a drawer out and stand it, or scale the oven while I break up your pancakes. OR the day I ended up with 3 different bodily fluids that were not my own on my hands all during ONE diaper change.
Thanks, Parker, thanks a lot. 

Before P was born I really focused in on the saying "the days are long, but the years are short". I don't think I've heard anything more true during this particular season of life. I try to remember that each time I get frustrated with C for doing toddler things, or each time Parker wakes me up at night. I try to remember to not take this time for granted because I know how all to fleeting it really is. HOWEVER comma--I say this out loud often thanks to my wonderful HS english teacher--I do find myself feeling frustrated, exhausted, the world's worst mother/wife often. But then I remember the beauty of grace. It's amazing how my tiny children show my grace daily. In the form of hugs, kisses, pats on the back--all from the toddler--after I've had to sit her in a one minute time out for the millionth time that day. Grace from my husband when he thanks for all I do for our family, when really I have a hard time seeing it. Grace from our heavenly Father when I come to Him for quiet time with a distracted mind and heart that should be fully focusing on Him.

Long story short this season is beautiful, it's sweet, it's incredibly difficult, exhausting, emotional, wonderful...I could go on and on.

We are beyond grateful to be doing this thing called life with our people. Our VILLAGE. We truly have such an amazing village of people alongside of us helping to raise our children, we don't think we can ever express the immense amount of gratitude we have to our village. So here's to you, the ones that have listened to our crazy, dropped everything to bring us a meal, came to just sit with me for my own sweet sanity, held our newborn and entertained our toddler while I napped or showered. Those who have sent texts at 3 in the morning knowing that chances are I'd more than likely be awake and needed an encouraging word or three. My sweet momma friends who are in the trenches with me, lifting me up on a daily basis even with their own heavy load. We thank you, I thank you! We don't say it enough how much we appreciate YOU!

#twoundertwochronicles will be coming to an end September 25th, then we'll have a crazy 2 year old and sweet baby boy. I guess I'll then have to come up with a new hashtag?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

FORRRE...months old.

You're 4 months old! We sure do love you sweet boy. This month your personality has began to shine through and you're such a FLIRT! I love it. You're forever flirting with me. This month you went to the beach and enjoyed naps on the beach each morning. It was super hot so we only kept you out for a couple of hours under the canopy and with a battery powered fan blowing on you. You were not a fan of your hat and hated the walk back to the condo. But other than that you were such a trooper we had to keep your sister off your blanket and keep her from trying to steal your fan. Then while sister napped I snuggled with you. You went through a crazy sleep regression while we were at the beach and the week we got back. Momma had to join her baby bears during nap time. some nights it was every hour. It was roughft Speaking of your sister she's really coming around. She hasn't had to go to timeout for hitting you on the head or throwing something your way ALL WEEK. You on the other hand adore her. Whenever she comes over to you and says Parks so sweet you light up. It's the sweetest thing to watch. We can't wait to watch you grow together and form the sweetest bond. Their is nothing like the sibling bond and we certainly pray a precious one forms between you two.

4 Months Highlights:

  • 12lbs 4oz--You're nursing every 2-3 hours and then taking a 3oz formula bottle after that 12oz of formula total each day. 
  • 25 1/2 inches long--long and skinny
  • Rolling over
  • Enjoying sitting up in your bumbo seat some but your sister thinks that is hers and tries to get you out. A lot. 
  • Napping from 9-11 in the mornings the 1:30-4 in the afternoons. 
  • Slowly but surely transitioning you to your room. Momma wants to hold onto you in our room forever.
  • You love kicking, blowing bubbles, fan watching, and being outside.--Unfortunately it's been the hottest summer I can remember ever having and we've spent too much time indoors for everyone's safety. Bring on the cool crisp fall days where we can stay outside. 
  • You're a momma's boy. Sorry da-da. 
  • You're great at tummy time! You love watching things from different perspectives.

We love you so very much sweet boy! You're such a special little guy and we're grateful the Lord saw fit to add you to our family!

Love you, 
Mommy and Daddy. 

sister too. she just won't admit it yet. 
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