Caroline's 4 Month Stats
Weight: 10lbs 1oz
Height: 23 inches
You were exclusively breastfed for the past month. Unfortunately mommy's milk just doesn't have enough calories in it (although I've been drinking a milkshake a day since your first doctors appointment) so it's back to formula for you. I'm proud of how far we've come with breastfeeding. It wasn't as easy as I would have hoped it to been. I'm going to continue to feed you in the morning and at night because I truly enjoy it and pump throughout the day.
You are so so strong and love standing. You'd rather stand than have us hold you sitting in our laps. Daddy's worried that means you'll take off walking quicker than he'd like. He doesn't believe mommy when she tells him that you've got to sit up, crawl, and all other tricks before you take off. You also love the TV I know I know no screens no screens. You break your neck if the screen isn't in your sight.
You love your night time routine. Feeding, bath times, swaddle, snuggle, and story. You barely make it through the first couple of pages. You typically sleep in your crib from 8-10 we dream feed and then you normally sleep the whole night unless you lose your paci. Game. Over.
You're by far the most precious gift we've ever been given. We love you so much sweet girl and are so thankful the Lord let us be your parents!
Mommy and Daddy