It's been a while since I've blogged. Summer was very busy for us as we prepared to move, I finished classes, and of course we were busily preparing for the arrival of our Sweet now a month and a half since my last post I sit with my sweet husband, puppy girl, and a 4 week old squirmy worm Caroline. The purpose of this blog is to document our life now as a family of four so here goes the newest part of our story.
We went in for a non stress test and appointment on Monday September 22nd. My blood pressure was a little high at a previous appointment so they wanted to monitor it and her. I was 38 weeks and 3 days Miss Caroline looked perfect on the monitor and little contractions were popping up. The doctor checked me and to my disappointment (at the time) I had made zero progress since our last appointment. However, the doctor told me she was so low and I was about 90% thinned out. I had another NST and appointment that same week on Thursday and she told me she didn't think I would make it to that appointment. Mom was with me and we both left absolutely giddy. We knew that the doctor could be wrong and I could still be pregnant for another three weeks but just thinking that our sweet girl could be with us later made me beam from ear to ear.
Tuesday I felt like absolute crap. Almost flu like, I didn't leave the couch all day long. I had read on Baby Center that flu like symptoms could be a sign of impending labor but I didn't want to get my hopes up.
I woke up Wednesday feeling much better and decided to get out of the house to keep my mind off of things. I got a mani pedi and did some last minute errands in case Miss Caroline did decide to make her appearance a few weeks early. Derik had a huge meeting Wednesday night and he along with his bosses begged Caroline to stay in until at least 8:30 that night when he would be headed home. I FaceTimed with my mom and dad to show them the finished product of Caroline's nursery since her chair finally came in. In the midst of FaceTime I began having contractions. My mom started timing them and they were about 10 minutes apart. They then quickly progressed to 5 minutes apart. This was around 7:45 and Derik's meeting was wrapping up. By the time he got home the contractions were a little more intense. We called his mom (she's a nurse) and she suggested calling the doctor. I did and they said come on in let's check you out. We got there around 11pm and I was still 1cm dilated 90% effaced. They kept me in the triage room hooked up to the monitors until 2am checked me again and no progress had been made so they sent me home. Having contractions 3 minutes apart and in a ton of pain. Derik's parents had arrived at this point and so they met us back at the house.
We laid down and my contractions only got worse and closer together. I labored at home for a while until it just got to be too much. We headed back for the hospital about 6:30am and I wasn't leaving again, which is good because they weren't going to let me anyways I was dilated to a 4 and 100% effaced. They wheeled me back to labor and delivery and I ordered my epidural, which was amazing. It was about 9:30am and I was only at a 5 so we started to relax watch the Ryder cup and was almost asleep when it was time for my catheter.
The epidural worked perfectly, however, my body did not like it very much. My heart rate sky rocketed so this was Derik trying to calm me down. They gave me some medicine which helped calm me down and brought my pulse back to normal. That was the only hiccup praise the Lord.
We decided that both of our moms would be in the delivery room. I couldn't have asked for a better support team and group of cheerleaders. My mom held my hand and prayed with me during the intense pushes. Derik's mom counted during my contractions and she also helped me labor at home. You know you've got a great mother in law when she'll sit with you in the bathroom with you while you're having contractions in the bath tub. MIL of the year. Seriously.
At 11:15am she said, "holy crap, you're fully dilated it's time to start pushing" the doctor came in and broke my water. I then started pushing and pushed for 3 hours. Towards the end I was becoming delirious and led the labor and delivery room in a rendition of Sweet Caroline and Proud Mary? the nurses all said that was a first for them. I'm telling y'all pure delirium. After 3 hours of pushing the doctor told me I had 3 options. Keep pushing, vacuum her out, or C-Section. Turns out Miss Priss was flipped sunny side up and coming out head facing up instead of down. Finally, after the doctor had to vacuum miss stubborn out Caroline Vance Walters entered the world at 2:08pm on Thursday September 25th. Her cries took my breath away and I felt as if I needed to be pinched they laid her on my chest and it was a love like I've never known.
Meeting our girl for the very first time. Words fail me when thinking back on this moment.
Our hospital is big on skin to skin time. So immediately after Caroline was born and they saw everything was ok with her they put her on my chest and thats where she stayed for almost two hours. It was incredible. We also had our first attempt at breastfeeding and she latched on immediately. I was thrilled.
Since Caroline was born during the week and during the two weeks my sister had parent conferences with her 2nd graders we knew it would be pretty much impossible for her to make it to the birth. She just kept saying as long as I'm there within 24 hours of her birth I'll be fine. Well when they started letting other family members in low and behold she was the first one to walk in. She said it was about to kill her so she got a sub and postponed her conferences and surprised us all. I sure do love my sissy.
The one thing I didn't like about skin to skin time is Derik didn't get to hold her right away. He had to wait until they got ready to move us to the mother baby room. But nonetheless here's daddy holding his girl for the first time.
After Derik got to hold her they weighed and measured her and really checked her out! Practically perfect in every way! The nurses then got me up to go to the bathroom and wheeled us to the mother baby room where we were greeted by both sets of grandparents and Aunt Boofee.
I didn't go into labor with any expectations or hopes other than healthy baby and healthy mommy. It couldn't have gone any smoother than it did. We had an amazing team of nurses, seriously, best nurses ever. The doctor that was on call wasn't my favorite when we saw him briefly very briefly in the office. That's the problem with rotations you don't really get to spend too much time with the doctors by the time we saw him it was just for BP and cervical checks. At the end of the day I'm glad he was the one who delivered her. He kept the mood light and we saw a completely different side of him! I love that doctor! We prayed and prayed for a smooth and safe delivery and that's what we got.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers and the sweetest girl ever.
Caroline Vance Walters
7lbs 13oz 21 inches long
Thursday, September 25th, 2014 2:08pm