Hi everyone! Linking up this week again with some lovely ladies to discuss favorite things...stocking stuffer edition! Here lately my mom has been putting all of our presents that she can fit into giant stockings. She finds it humorous to watching us dig and dig. But here are my favorite staples!
1) Travel size body spray! I love always having body spray. I keep some in my glove compartment always. Nothing to strong, just something light to spray!
2) I love nail polish. It is kind of an addiction. I especially love pastel tones. I usually wear something bold on my piggie toes but my fingers are normally something plain and simple.
3) Panties. Because who couldn't use more panties. Thankfully my mom has learned to move past buying only granny panties. Bless her.
4) Another staple is a Hershey kiss or M&M candy cane. Every single year.
5) Shave gel. Again, you can never have enough!
6) Gum is also a staple everyone gets. Mom usually loads up at BJ's and we're all set on gum for the rest of the year.
7) I somehow or another always seem to ruin phone chargers. The hubs swears I'm plagued. Luckily we have this great little store called 5 below (everything is $5 or less) and I can pick up a charger easily! But since we're an Apple family phones, iPADs etc. we can never have enough chargers laying around!
8) Lip balm. My lips get so dry and chapped this time of year. EOS has been a lip saver.
These are a few of my favorite things! What about you? Link up and share the goodies. :)